CCTV Policy and Privacy Notice
CCTV Policy & Privacy Notice
This Policy and Privacy Notice is designed to inform you of the scope of the personal information that Nelson Marina collects with its Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) system and your rights in relation to that information.
Nothing in this Notice limits or excludes your rights under the New Zealand Privacy Act 2020.
1. Purpose
1.1. Nelson Marina uses CCTV for monitoring and enhancing security and safety within and around the marina's facilities.
1.2. The purpose of this policy is to set out the principles for use of CCTV cameras in and around Nelson Marina facilities and to provide clear guidance to staff on operation of Nelson Marina CCTV.
2. Definitions
2.1. Nelson Marina Facilities: Includes all areas in and around Nelson Marina like berths, walkways, administration offices, parking areas, the boat yard and other spaces within the marina's purview.
2.2. Closed Circuit Television Cameras (CCTV): Encompasses all equipment and systems used to capture, store, and view both still and moving images for surveillance purposes within or adjacent to its facilities.
2.3. Responsible Officer: The officer responsible for Nelson Marina’s CCTV is the Marina Manager. Responsibilities include system selection, managing public queries, addressing issues, and ensuring compliance with the policy.
2.4. Marina Officers: These individuals, either employed directly or contracted, are responsible for daily operations and ensuring the correct use of CCTV systems.
2.5. Police: Representatives of New Zealand Police.
3. Operation of CCTV
3.1. Nelson Marina CCTV is used for the purpose of enhancing and maintaining safety for staff and members of the marina community and the public community.
3.2. Nelson Marina CCTV is used to prevent damage and avoid loss to Nelson Marina property.
3.3. Nelson Marina CCTV images may be used by Nelson Marina to investigate and manage health and safety issues, suspected or alleged misconduct, emergency situations, cashier errors, damage and/or recovery of Nelson Marina, private or public property, and criminal activity.
3.4. Information obtained using Nelson Marina CCTV may be reviewed by authorised Nelson Marina Officers and Nelson Marina’s legal advisors.
3.5. Use of Nelson Marina CCTV will be in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020, and the guidelines published by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner.
3.6. The Marina Manager will be responsible for policy adherence and correct and appropriate use of Nelson Marina CCTV.
3.7. The Marina Manager may delegate operation or viewing of Nelson Marina CCTV to other Nelson Marina Officers.
3.8. Nelson Marina CCTV may operate 24 hours, 7 days a week.
3.9. Nelson Marina CCTV will not capture sound.
3.10. Nelson Marina CCTV will not use facial recognition.
3.11. Nelson Marina CCTV may record footage of staff, members of the public while in or around the Nelson Marina property.
3.12. Nelson Marina CCTV Policy and related procedures will apply to the use of Nelson Marina CCTV at all times.
3.13. Nelson Marina Officers delegated operation of Nelson Marina CCTV will be trained in policies and procedures relating to the Nelson Marina CCTV system.
3.14. Nelson Marina will have appropriate signage to make members of the public and staff aware that the area that they are entering is under CCTV surveillance and who they should contact with any queries. This notice will comply with Principle 3 of the Privacy Act 2020.
3.15. Staff working in a location where there is CCTV surveillance will be made aware of that as part of their induction.
4. Access and Storage
4.1. Nelson Marina Officers may monitor Nelson Marina CCTV images in real time or from recordings.
4.2. If accessing live footage from a remote location, the reasons for accessing footage in clause 3.3 will apply and the access and the reason for it will be logged in an appropriate system.
4.3. If accessing footage from a recording, the reasons for accessing footage in clause 3.3 will apply and the access and the reason for it will be logged in an appropriate system.
4.4. In the event that suspected or alleged unlawful activity is recorded using Nelson Marina CCTV, Nelson Marina may pass those images over to the Police for the purpose of an investigation.
4.5. Sharing of images with outside agencies or individuals (apart from Police) will require prior approval from the Marina Manager and must comply with relevant legislation including the Privacy Act 2020 and the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.
4.6. Nelson Marina CCTV images will be stored securely using Network Tasman and Nelson Marina’s IT systems.
4.7. Access to Nelson Marina CCTV images will be monitored by the Marina Manager.
4.8. Nelson Marina CCTV images will not be stored for more than 60 days unless they are the subject of further investigation during that period.
4.9. Disposal of Nelson Marina CCTV images will be by re-use and overwriting of media for storage of further Nelson Marina CCTV images.
4.10. Anyone who is recorded on Nelson Marina CCTV may access that information, provided the image has not been overwritten.
Any queries regarding this Privacy Policy and Notice should be directed to:
Marina Manager
Nelson Marina
3 Cross Quay