Nelson Marina Masterplan
On the 29th of September 2022, Nelson City Council adopted the Nelson Marina Masterplan.
The Nelson Marina Masterplan envisions a link between the city and the marina precinct, complementing Te Ara o Whakatu - Nelson City Centre Spatial Plan, Council’s City to Sea Linkage, the proposed Cawthron Science and Technology Precinct and the Nelson Future Access Project.
As a Council, we are always looking for opportunities to enhance Nelson’s economic and social vibrancy, in turn adding to the wellbeing of our residents. The Masterplan seeks to invigorate Nelson Marina by creating a mix of public access and activities for residents and visitors that enjoy being both on the water and near the water.
It will provide a safe secure haven for boats to be berthed, safe launching and retrieving of smaller trailer vessels, enhanced repairs and maintenance facilities and a dedicated area for the fast-growing sea sports sector, ensuring the mixed uses and water access requirements around the marina are performed in a safe manner.
It will be a place to ride the bike, walk the dog and meet up with friends for a coffee while enjoying a view of the boats. A new people-focused destination for our City.
We now have an exciting opportunity to develop a high-quality marina that attracts economic development, employment opportunities and safe access to Nelson Haven and Tasman Bay for all water activities now and in the future as our population and recreational boating and sea sport participation rates grow.
Environmental and climate change factors are at the heart of the Masterplan and will help drive environmentally friendly and sustainable practices both in the building and development of the Marina as well as daily operations. All design aspects will centre on the reuse of materials where possible, the latest energy efficient designs, onsite stormwater treatment, rain water and solar harvesting and provisions for changing technologies in land and water powered transportation.
Download the Masterplan here:
Nelson Marina Masterplan
The Nelson Marina Masterplan is a comprehensive document allowing Nelson City Council to plan for the future. This will be the guiding document for Nelson Marina’s redevelopment and was approved by Council on the 29th of September 2022.
Nelson Marina Supply and Demand Analysis
Prior to the development of the Nelson Marina Masterplan, a significant supply and demand study was completed for Nelson Marina. This provides good background information.